On this date 5/10/2008 Mistress Loes Shi presented me with my Collar, which I still wear with pride and honour, and remain her loyal slave.
Many people ask me why I want to be a slave, and don't I want to have my own freedom to do as I wish, sadly these people don't understand me, and I do find this not easy to explain.
For me I have freedom, Yes I'm a slave, but I know Mistress will protect me, show me Love, and to discipline me, and to give me a wonderful Second Life, also I don't like men in Second Life, hence my reason I love my position of slave to Mistress Loes Shi at OWK in SL.
I Love and support the OWK in SL, there has been some hard times, but now OWK SL has been reborn, and looking at a wonderful time.
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